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What makes your signage stand out

signage in Dubai

Signage is an important and effective tool for marketing your brand. UAE is the economic hub in the region and its major cities are home to various businesses. The markets in Sharjah are filled with lots of signage boards to promote businesses. If you are a business establishment in Sharjah, you need to come up with a creative design to make your signage stand out among others. It is an affordable form of advertising and you can yield amazing results by spending smartly. There are many signboard companies in Sharjah but make sure to use the best one. Here are a few tips to discuss with your sign board makers in Sharjah to create an eye-catching signboard.

Assess the Market

Before deciding the design of the signage, it is recommended to select the ideal location for your signage. If you have to place the signage in a bustling surrounding with the presence of a lot of other brands, then you need to analyze what’s already there and what’s missing. You have to make such an absent mark. You should avoid such color schemes, font styles, and designs that are already posted in the market. Assessing the location can help you a lot in designing your signage.

Use different techniques

The market is filled with lots of hoardings and signage and your signage is at the risk of disappearing among them. Try using different techniques such as illumination or 3D lettering. For this, you need to consult the designers working in signboard companies in Sharjah. A great design and technique can boost the overall impact of your signage.

Avoid Verbosity

The signage should be containing crisp and brief words. The short message can be read from afar whereas, for a wordy text, you have to get close to read it. It is ideal that the signage is visible from afar. Also, use simple words. Don’t use words that are difficult to comprehend by a common man. No one wants to rush to a dictionary to understand the signage.


For maximum legibility, it is recommended to use clean and easy-to-read fonts. Avoid joining or connected fonts as they can be confusing. It is also recommended that you should avoid the use of more than one font in your text as it can become clattery.


Choose your colors wisely. If used rightly, colors can become the identity of your brand. For example, we always identify Facebook with blue color. The bright yellow color is often associated with McDonald's. Similarly, coca-cola uses reddish maroon for its signage. So choose your colors wisely keeping their longevity in mind.


The placement of the signboard sharjah should be of a nature that it is readable easily. For example, the sunlight should be kept in mind so that people don’t have to squint their eyes to look at your signage. The wrong placement can kill the entire purpose of using signage.