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Are Digital Signage a Good Option for Banking Business?

 signage in Dubai

iGraphics is a digital signage pioneer in Dubai, providing end-to-end digital signage solutions for indoor and outdoor business needs. We have developed over the years to become a top digital signage firm in the region, providing technologically sophisticated and tailored end-to-end solutions. Our expertise, innovative approach, and cutting-edge technology enable us to provide the best and most efficient digital signage solutions for your company.

Digital Signage

At iGraphics, we recognise the importance of digital signage for a company's marketing and informative presence. Our team is made up of IT gurus and top digital marketers that design entirely tailored and personalised solutions that pack a powerful punch for your company and help you connect with your target audience.

Investing in signage is a wise decision

Our high-quality content production, as well as continuing maintenance and support, provide you with the flexibility and scalability you need to stay ahead of the competition. We are thrilled to be able to service hundreds of clients from a variety of industries, including retail, technology, medical, educational, and hospitality. We take pleasure in working together with our clients to provide them with the greatest end to end digital signage solutions that offer genuine value to their businesses and drive big sales.

Displays in Windows

The days of static billboards and poster advertisements are long gone, as the introduction of interactive LEDs, projectors, and signs has revolutionised the entire appearance of outdoor advertising. Yet, the primary objective remains the same: to attract passers-by, whether in a car or on foot, transmit the message, and urge people to take action, which is to use the service. Posters and billboards were traditionally utilised as window displays, but the entire production, distribution, and installation process was both time and resource intensive! On the contrary, Signage in Dubai may be readily controlled from the branch using appropriate software, digital marketing, and media tools.

Units for Interactive Display

The benefit of integrated touchscreen Dubai hoardings has acquired substantial appeal, as well as relieving the burden of standing in lengthier lines only to see a teller. Many bank visitors, clients, and customers nowadays utilise touch screens on their cellphones, either through an app or simply through a touchpad-integrated signage device, saving them time while providing great service in a safe and secure manner. All of this fosters trust, prompting the financial industry to become digital.

Displays of Advertising

There are still some operations in the bank that involve person-to-person interaction and physical labour, which may require a consumer to wait in the branch. Now is the ideal moment for banks to promote themselves as well as others through product advertisements and digital marketing campaigns shown beautifully on signs screens. It may be done using anything from basic, freestanding, and flexible digital display displays to multiplex LEDs installed on the walls; banks are allowed to use anything they choose depending on their own and their customers' convenience.


The following are a few great applications of Signage companies in Dubai in the banking business in Dubai and the UAE! Bank owners and managers, on the other hand, are free to employ their imagination and technology as they see fit.